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15 Killer Brochure Marketing Tips

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This is the age of instant communication! The consumer is spoilt for choice and does not have enough time to focus and review every product and service that is offered. It’s a real challenge these days to make the potential buyer to read your brochure, impress him with your offerings and drive him to make the purchase decision.

What is it that you, as a manufacturer or a seller, can do to attract eyeballs and maximize conversions?

These tips will help you to figure out some of the crucial factors that contribute to the success of a brochure marketing campaign.

1. Defining your target market: as is the case with any other kind of marketing, the first step is to understand and then clearly demarcate who the target audience would be. When you are through, you would be able to create user personae or a generic categorization based on preferences, likes and buying habits. This would facilitate the process of content development and even the packaging of the brochure.

2. Address the user’s problems: one of the fool-proof secrets of marketing (and perhaps the basic foundations of marketing principles) is to understand study, analyze and then address the problems that your target audience is facing. Your intention, as a business enterprise, should be to present your product/service as a solution to that problem.

3. Remember that a brochure is not merely an information booklet: refrain from stuffing the brochure with too much of information. The idea is to incorporate content that the user wants to see and hear and not what you want to convey. This point is an offshoot of the above tip.

4. Be generous with illustrations and images: the secret is to understand the human psyche: that the user would understand and respond more readily to illustrations than text. The adage a picture is worth a thousand words is at work here and, I mean, literally! Instead of cramming pages and pages of text, it would be better if you were to come up with interesting pictures and images, even caricatures (if it is contextually relevant) to convey your point.

5. Keep the content simple and free of heavy jargon: as a manufacturer or basically, as a person who has designed and created the product, there would be certain related words and terminologies that you would be conversant with: but not the reader or the prospect. You would have to get down to his / her level and then communicate. The reader should not feel alienated and should be able to relate to the product; only then would he / she convert into a potential lead and finally a consumer.

6. Keep your competition in mind:
it would do you a world of good if you understand and know what your rivals are offering your consumers. This becomes imperative because your competitors and you are fighting for a bigger market-share within the same segment and it would take very little for the consumer to sway in the other direction.

7. A book IS judged by its cover: if the cover does not appeal to the reader, there are little or no chances of his / her looking inside to find out more. Keep the cover interesting: almost in a customized manner, appealing to the target audience, by keeping in images and text that is relatable and addresses the problems faced. In the world of brochure marketing, the cover is literally the first impression and you have to do it right! It is your very USP!

8. Make it interesting: whoever said that a brochure has to be the same ol’, same ol’ white rectangular A4 booklet. Selling tickets or soccer accessories? How about designing it in the shape of a soccer-ball?. That would surely ensure that your brochure stands out, in the crowd.

9. Help navigate through sign-posts: the brochure should, in no way, appear as a boring and educational piece of literary document, that will surely put the reader off to sleep. Thus, put on your thinking cap and design the brochure in an interesting manner that will lead the user to the product that is suited for his / her needs.

10. Draft, redraft and redraft till you get it right: do not try to trivialize and hurry the process. The content and the illustrations and images are just as important as the product itself. Therefore, prepare a first draft, review it, redraft it and keep repeating till you get it right and it is perfect for the audience that you have in mind.

11. Keep it glossy: one of the advantages of a brochure is that the user would get a real-time opportunity to touch and feel the material. The brochure would also stay with him / her at home. Therefore, the material used in the pages should not be cheap quality and rough.

12. Keep the content in a bullet format: stay away from tedious-looking and long paragraphs that will act as a lullaby for your reader. Keep the points crisp and in a bullet format.

13. Keep their advantage in mind too: if you want them to act as soon as they have finished reading the material, then why? Provide them with a reason to act instantaneously: such as creating a sense if urgency. eg. Offering limited-time coupons.

14. Ensure that the communication-street is unclogged: it is vital that the contact details that you are using in the brochure are correct and that you are accessible to the reader through all the channels that you have mentioned in the brochure. This would include the phone number, email address and company website and other details.

15. End with a CTA: as with the online version, the motive of a brochure, too, is the same: that of ensuring of eliciting some response out of the user / reader. Therefore, incorporate some kind of a call-to-action that will get you some definitive response ex: asking them to register/sign-up, availing a discount offer, downloading an app etc.

These tips, if implemented effectively, can make your brochure marketing campaign a sure-shot success and boost the conversion rate.

EnablingBiz eSolutions offers both Brochure Copywriting and Brochure Design Services. For any queries, please feel free to call us on +91 8826 175930 or mail us at

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