One thing that Internet has afforded businesses is the ease to Communicate. Marketers are reaching out to their customers using Emails, e-Newsletters, corporate website, company social media pages and the quintessential blogs.
Where emails, e-newsletters are usually opt-in and delivered to individual mailboxes and the corporate websites and social media pages talk exclusively about the company, [...]
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Newsletters are very effective tools for marketing provided they are used in the most versatile manner of Engaging and Retaining Customers and build lasting relations. It is important that the objective of utilizing newsletters is clear.
The positive about Newsletters is that they are almost always OPT-IN. This means the reader/ customer has proactively chosen to [...]
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Email marketing is (NOT) dead contend Jason Falls and D. J. Waldow, who have co-written Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing, The: Grow Your List, Break the Rules, and Win. Indeed, today email marketing is the MOST cost effective and SUCCESSFUL means to engage customers and market products, services, brands or a company. It can effortlessly [...]
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Why should you be concerned about your company and brand’s online reputation? One simple reason…Today customers are enlightened and voice their opinion – openly online.
Imagine this scenario – You have an excellent product with stellar sales and performance. The brand name is well recognized in the market. Business is robust and the numbers are ever [...]
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While the topic may sound too technical and consequently of little interest to most business owners, it is something you need to know nonetheless if you view your website as a sales and marketing tool. Even though its something that exists at the backend and is not visible to your site visitors, the code used [...]
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As we all know, search engines are continually changing their algorithms to account for spam by search engine optimisers who follow black hat techniques and to improve the quality of search results.The latest update to come out of Google is called the Penguin update (Google seems to have a thing for exotic animal names, the [...]
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Google finally launched its cloud service by the name of Google Drive today. With so many cloud services already out there including the much popular Apple’s iCloud service and Dropbox already out there, it would be interesting to see how Google Drive does.
The advantages that Google Drive has upfront are that the product integrates well [...]
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