Case Study - Clinic Directory
Application: A searchable directory of clinicsIndustry: Healthcare
Aim: To develop a search engine friendly online directory of clinics in India
Background: Our client came to us with a unique idea of creating a website providing information on the most affordable and reputable clinics in India. The client wanted a user-friendly design and also a convenient admin section via which the client can control and maintain the website without any technical issues.
Objectives: The primary objectives our development team had to accomplish to reach the goal were the following:
- to design a user-friendly interface
- to guide the user to the appropriate clinic for him/her
- to design a database that can hold a large number data
- design a custom cms
Solution: The website delivered by our development team had the following benefits:
- One stop network of clinics and healthcare roviders
- Easy comparison of relevant clinical procedures and specialist doctors
- Hassle free initial consultation by email or online
- Promote medical tourism to India
Technical Background:
PHP and MySql on the server-side
HTML and Javascript on the client-side
Features: The administrator and the user enjoy different features. Some of them are discussed below:
1. Admin Section:
- Can add new clinics or specialists
- Manage Plans: Can suspend or activate different clinic listing plans
- Manage Categories: Can add, delete or edit the different clinic categories
- Manage States: Can add, view or edit the states in which the clinics are located
- Can design newsletters and send them to the subscribers
2. User Section:
- Search for a particular clinic or specialist in India
- Use the information provided to contact the respective clinic
- Can send mails to the administrator to receive the comparative fee structure of the desired clinic
- Get educated on their medical problems
- Can get information on all the relevant procedures